Monday, November 10, 2008

A New Tattoo

I saw a picture of your new tattoo on someone else's facebook profile. It looks really good.

Why am I so addicted to someone so mean? Maybe because in pictures your bite doesn't look so brutal. Maybe because the memory I have is hazy. Maybe because through the dark your light still peaks through and I miss you.

Why in your photos on that bloody site do you have a picture of her and not of me? Why are you 30 going on 13?

I am sure you still remember us. Maybe just a picture left embedded in your mind and not on a social networking site.

I remember you. And I remember, or am reminded of, the pain and nausea I felt every time you did something to turn the knife.

But I also want to hug you.

Even though I have so many other people to hug, I still just want to hug you.

"hug" you.

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