Saturday, November 24, 2007


You may be wondering how my voice is, since, after all, that is the intention of this bloggidy blog.

Well- it is still present. Tried, but 6 weeks later my speaking voice is quite strong, I sound like I did years back, no hoarseness and I think in 2 weeks I will be able to set up my first show!!!!


What I will say is this has been quite a ride and it has forced me to change direction in a major way. I don't know if I will find my way back or if i will continue to move forward, but I am not sure how I will shape up now that I have "healed." Who ever knows what they'll do next? I am starting to realize that thinking big may not be as efficient or even as meaningful as thinking small, step by step and letting the wind carry you a bit....

Who knows where it will take me....

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